Tuesday, August 11, 2015

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Coca Cola Walkin Interviews on 12th August 2015

Image result for coca cola logo small
Walkin Interview tomorrow for ON ROLLS SALES SUPERVISOR PROFILE in Coca Cola.Interested students can send resume to tpo.quest@gmail.com today itself with "Coca Cola" in subject line so I can line up for tomorrow.
  1. To do horizontal expansion and ensure availability in the market.
  1. To expand numeric distribution reach.
  1. To ensure range selling.
  1. Ensure the sale of niche brands/packs.
  1. Liquidation of nearing BBD products.
  1. Scheme Compliance.
  1. To take action on reports received from MD’s.(Sales Report)
  1. Relationship building with High Volume Outlets.
  1. Training the sales men to improve serving in the market distribution.
  1. To ensure regular route operations & outlet coverage as per the beat plan.
  1. To coordinate any events/exhibition from time to time.
  2. Location- Chandigarh/Panchkula/Ropar.
    Salary Band- 1.2 to 1.4 LPA.(TCTC

Monika D Mehta

Head- Training and Placements

Quest Group of Institutions, Jhanjeri (Landran - Sirhind Highway) Distt Mohali

Cell phone: 9915999449 Landline: 0160-5032506 I Fax: 0160-5032550


  1. When I was young I dreamed about working at Coca-Cola company. I though I'd be able to drink as much coke as I want for free. Since I quit drinking soda working there doesn't sound really interesting for me. I'm highly interesting in writing and I managed to find best custom essay writing company to work at. Pretty happy now! Anyways, Coca-Cola was my favorite soda drink!
