********************* Call for Papers********************
National Conference on Emerging Computing Technologies in Changing Global Scenario (NCETCGS) 2013
23rd February, 2013
Respected Sir / Madam,
We are pleased to inform you that the Department of Computer Science & Engineering / Information Technology, KALPI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (KIT), is organizing a National Conference on “Emerging Computing Technologies in Changing Global Scenarios” (NCETCGS-2013) on 23rd February, 2013 (i.e. Saturday).
The aim of “NCETCGS-2013” is to provide a common platform for academicians, research scholars, technocrats and specialized experts from industry for mutual interaction, so as to inspire with new insights and proactive views. It provides an opportunity to present their innovative and constructive ideas and the outcome of the ongoing research in the area of computing technologies in context of changing global scenarios. Authors are solicited to contribute by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, reviewed work and industrial experiences that describe significant advances.
All conference participants and delegates are requested to register on or before Wednesday, January 30th 2013. Enclosed registration form duly filled along with registration fee as applicable may be sent in advance to confirm participation. For more details kindly visit atwww.kalpicampus.com or E-mail at conferencechair.kit@gmail.com. The link to the official website of the Conference is http://www.kalpicampus.com/ national_conference.html
The major area of Interests (however not restricted to) of NCETCGS-2013 is:
· Algorithm and Bioinformatics
· Computer architecture and Real time systems
· Data Warehouse and Data mining
· Database
· Distributed and Parallel systems
· Image processing and Pattern Recognition
· Embedded systems
· Grid computing
· Simulation and Modelling
· Networking
· Soft computing
· Software engineering
· Robotics
· Wireless and Mobile communications
Important dates of the conference are:
Submission deadline 10th January, 2013
Notification of acceptance 21 st January, 2013
Camera ready paper submission 30th January, 2013
Please do contact conference secretariat through conferencechair.kit@ gmail.com for specific information.
You are requested to circulate the enclosed brochure amongst your students, faculty members, colleagues and motivate them for the same. Your involvement is the key to set the pace of Nation’s technical development and we are looking forward to an active participation in the conference by your faculty members and PG students/Research Scholars and professional staff. Please feel free for any query. Kindly excuse the circulation of duplicate posting.
We are depending on your research contribution and looking forward to meet you in NCETCGS-2013.
With regards,
Rattan Rana
Conference-Chair (NCETCGS-2013)
Associate Professor & Head
Conference-Chair (NCETCGS-2013)
Associate Professor & Head
Computer Science and Engineering Department
Kalpi Institute of Technology, Kalpi
Ambala, Haryana (India)
Contact No: +91 93555-23224, 8607003399, 0171-3052625 (O)
E-mail: conferencechair.kit@gamil.com
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