Monday, December 3, 2012

Mega Placement Drive on 9th and 14th December,2012 companies like Wipro, Eureka Forbes, Ais Glass, mjunction, Ghaziabad Precision Products Ltd.,Yash International

Dear Director/ Principal/ TPO/ Student,
Greetings !!!
Technology Education & Research Integrated Institutions is committed to provide a platform to the youth of the nation to make them a better professional, better individual and better citizen. Under the leadership of Dr M P Gupta (Former Director, Technical Education, Haryana & Uttarakhand & Currently Advisor TERII) TERII is going to a nodal hub for placement and we are going to provide the best career path to the students.
To continue the spirit, it gives me pleasure to announce the more than six leading corporate across the globe are visiting our esteemed campus for recruitments on December 9th and December 14th 2012. The complete details of the drives are as under:
December 9, 2012:

Program: ‘Wista’ with Maths
Qualification: B. Sc (Computer Applications/ CS/ IT/ Physics/ Maths/ Statistics/ Electronics)
Maths or Business Maths as a subject in 12th Standard is mandatory.
Batch 2013: Should not have any standing backlogs.
10th + 12th + Graduation
Designation: Project Engineers
1st year – 11500K                       2nd Year – 14000K
3rd Year – 19000K                       4th Year – 23000K
Selection Process:
        Online Test,  HR /Voice interview

Requires individual striving to make a career for themselves in Personalized Sales.
Qualification: BBA / MBA / BA / B Sc / B Com
Batch: 2012/ 2013
No Percentage Criteria as such. Only criteria is the person should be able to adapt to the roles and responsibilities assigned, open to challenges.
Designation: Customer Sales Specialist/ Group Customer Sales Specialist/ Team Leader
Work Location: Punjab, UP, Delhi-NCR
Salary: As per payment plans of the company
Selection Process: Group Discussion, Personal Interview
BA / B Com / BSc / BBA / MBA
Batch: 2012/ 2013
Eligibility Criteria:  60% THROUGH OUT
Job Location: Anywhere in India
Salary: 1.8 Lpa
Service Bond: 2 Years
Selection Process: Aptitude Test, GD, PI

December 14, 2012:
Diploma Civil 2013 Batch
The Company has some openings for B. Tech/ Diploma Civil Experienced candidates also
Eligibility: 60% Throughout with No standing backlogs
Salary: At Par with Industry
Diploma Mechanical 2013 Batch Only
Eligibility: 60% in Diploma with No standing Backlogs
Job Location: Ghaziabad
Rs 8,000/- for 1sr 6 months
Rs 10,000/- after 6 months
Rs 12,000/- after completing 1 year & based of review
Rs 16,000/- after completing 2 years & based on review
Selection Process: Group Discussion, Personal Interview
Diploma Mechanical 2013 Batch Only
Eligibility: 50% in Diploma with No standing Backlogs
Depending upon the skill set of the individual
Selection Process: Quantative &Aptitude Test + 5-6 Technical Questions of Mechanical Engineering + Personal Interview

Venue for Both Drives: TERII Campus
Reporting Time for Both Drives: Sharp at 8.00 AM

The only way a student can participate in all the placement drives is by registration at
For any clarification/ assistance/ query/ help, feel free to help our TEAM T&P at:
09996783001, 9896179792, 09996783002


Sagar Gulati

Training & Placement Officer 
Technology Education & Research Integrated Institutions,
9th Miletone, Kaithal Road, V.P.O. Barna, Kurukshetra
City Centre: SCO-47, 1st Floor, Sector-17, Kurukshetra


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