Dear Director/ TPO,
Greetings from TERII Kurukshetra
It give me immense pleasure to inform you that Everest Industries Ltd is visiting our esteemed campus on November 16th, 2012 for placement drive for 2011 & 2012 passed out batch.
There is No Registration Fee for participation.
Job Details
Company Name
Everest Industries Limited(www.everestind.com)
B. Tech: Graduate Engineer Trainee
Diploma: Diploma Engineer Trainee
Salary Package
The students shall undergo a 24 months training. During the training, stipend shall be as under for first twelve months B. Tech: 12.5 K/ Month
Diploma: 8.5K/ Month
For next twelve months:
B. Tech: 14.5 K/ Month
Diploma: 10.5K/ Month
After successful training of 24 Months students shall be put under the salary:
B. Tech: 21 K/ Month
Diploma: 15K/ Month
On successful completion of 3 years in the organization, candidates shall get Retention Bonus as under:
B. Tech: Rs. 1 Lakh
Diploma: Rs. 50 K
Job Location
Anywhere in India
| The sequence of the selection process will include:
A) Presentation of Co. profile & details of TRAINING SCHEME
B) Written tests- Aptitude & Technical
C) Group discussion
D) Personal Interviews
Eligibility Parameters
Streams Eligible
Diploma: (Civil & Mechanical)
B.Tech: (Civil & Mechanical)
Diploma: 60% in Diploma with no current Backlog
B.Tech: Throughout 60% with NO Current Backlog
Strictly 2011 & 2012 passed out Students only
Event Details
TERii (Technology Education & Research Integrated Institutions)
Register for Drive
| www.terii.in |
| Technology Education & Research Integrated Institutions 9th Miletone, Kaithal Road, V.P.O. Barna Kurukshetra, Haryana |
Date of the Drive
16th November 2012
Reporting Time
8:00 AM Sharp
1. Those who have been interviewed by the Company in last six months need not to apply.
2. Only Male candidates to apply for the job.
3. Students must have their bio-data with photograph affixed, relevant certificates & marksheets.
4. Students have to come in their college uniform.
Corporate office and head quarters: New Delhi
Register yourself at www.terii.in before November 11, 2012 or You can share the database of your students in the format attached herewith.
Looking forward to your participation.
Yours Sincerely
Sagar Gulati
Training & Placement Officer cum Assistant Professor,
Department of Computer Science & Engineering,
Technology Education & Research Integrated Institutions,
9th Miletone, Kaithal Road, V.P.O. Barna
Ph. +91 9996783002
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