AniWeb Designs.
Company Profile
AniWeb Designs (AWD) is a young and innovative company that provides quality solutions for your web design and animation needs. As we combine design and international business experience, we are well placed to equip companies with the online presence required in a modern marketplace. Award winning designers work alongside globe trotting businesspeople to craft products that capture the right image of your company. Our developers' specialisation in animation gives every website a unique feature and helps to give your company a memorable identity.
Role: Software Engineer / Programmer
Basic/UG qualification: B.E/B.Tech(CSE/IT), MCA (2012 passout)
Key skills: PHP, Wordpress, Joomla
Package offered : 2.16L - 3.5 L pa
Job location: Chandigarh
Eligibility Criteria: 60% (Graduation/Post Graduation)
Date : 28-12-2011 Wednesday
Registration: 9:00 am Sharp On spot Registration
Venue: New Engg. Block, JSS Group of institutes, Kauli, Patiala-rajpura Highway
Bus facility availaible from BUS-STAND PATIALA & RAJPURA
With Regards
Gurpreet Singh
Asst. TPO
I would KEEP well away from them as they got the gift of the gab . Don’t Be fooled by their feedback or websites, we can all do a great cover page to look good.