Thursday, July 31, 2014

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Paxcel Technologies Joint Campus Placement drive at SUS Group of Institutions Mohali on 6th August 2014

Dear Sir/Madam,
SUS group of institutions, Tangori in association with P.T.U.takes this opportunity to invite Students from your institute to a joint campus placement drive by Paxcel Technologies  Ltd for B.Tech Candidates of C.S.E./I.T./E.C.E  M.Tech /M.C.A. students of 2014 passing out batch. The details are as follows:
About the Company
Paxcel technologies  provides  software solutions and services to enterprises with strong focus on both extended development center and turnkey projects. They  partner with their  clients at every stage of solution delivery .The existence can be observed in wide spread areas of web development, mobile development,big data BI, QA automation,bulid and infrastructure management.

Company-Paxcel technologies ltd

Date of Event-6 th August 2014

Venue-SUS group of institutions,Tangori

Stream Eligible: B.Tech-C.S.E./I.T./E.C.E./  M.TECH / M.C.A.
60% through out without any backlogs


Job description -Programmer

Package: 3.6-5 LPA (Lakh per annum)
Job location –Mohali Or Gurgaon

Apply Here

Selection Process :
Online test multiple choice questions, online programming test and technical interview


Registrations closes on 5th august 2014

3 copies of C.V., passport size photographs along with college identity cards must to appear in written test.

You are requested to intimate all the students of 2014 passing out
 Batch accordingly and forward the list of participating students at,

Latest -By 4th August 2014 positively.

*For any queries please feel free to contact us at:,0172-306108 *

Thanks and regards

Manu B.Sandhu
Corporate Trainer,
SUS College of Engg & Tech,Tangori (chandigarh)
Phone:09779244846,  099153-24700, 01762- 306108

Click Here To Register Your Resume


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